
Video Tape Center

Some excerpts from another catalogue with a glimpse of swedish x-rental heaven.... This time it is VTC. Janne Loffe Karlsson is the Devil!

Milo Sacchi

From article by Andrea Cernutto in Funeral Party #2

Hank Williams



Walthers Video catalogue 1983

Some examples of films that Walthers Video introduced to the Swedish market in 1983. Most of them were licensed from Cinehollywood and are more known under other titles. This was mandatory viewing for myself in the golden days of vhs. I got really sentimental when I scanned this catalogue... heavy pornographic value for eurotrash addicts.

Kill all hippies

Piska djävulen ur kroppen

Cinemax Home Video Erotica


Pre-cert mania

Europas giftigaste luft

X-rentals part 14